Friday Update 4/24/2020

Friday, April 24, 2020
Please CLICK HERE for the update this week. Below, you will find information specifically about Report Cards and the weekly Hyperdoc.

Quick Updates for Friday, April 24th
  • The biggest point is that students go to the hyperdoc FIRST, watch the instructional videos, and follow the directions BEFORE completing the Seesaw activities.
  • Quarter 3 Report Cards will be coming out tomorrow, 4/25
    • Please keep in mind that all comments on based on data and notes from 1/17 - 3/11/2020. Your child may have made improvements over the past month, but Quarter 4 started on 3/12/2020.
      • From LCPS: "Due to the LCPS closure on March 11, 2020, grades provided for the third marking period are based on seven weeks of instruction instead of the typical nine weeks."
    • They will be on ParentVUE and should be emailed to you as well.
    • CogAT scores:
      • In case this is on your mind, Mr. Thiessen sent teachers this message to pass along:
        • As of 4/21/2020, "we do not plan to release the scores yet. We plan to update stakeholders...and release the scores at the same time. It will be approximately mid-May."
          • This is straight from LCPS. I do not have any control over this.
  • Hyperdoc for 4/27 - 5/1 will be posted on Monday, April 27th at 8AM.
    • All hyperdocs are available on:
      • the blog
      • Seesaw (Inbox -> Messages)
      • Google Classroom
Remember to be kind to yourself and breathe! We are all learning and growing as this all evolves. I hope you are all healthy and safe. 

Have a fantastic weekend,