The kids took their first timed drill this afternoon!
- Second grade students need to know their addition and subtraction facts from 0-18
- They will be expected to answer 50 problems in 4 minutes by the end of the school year.
- This is a grade level expectation.
- This is a skill that goes on their report card and sets them up for success in third grade.
- Knowing their facts will help your child when they start working with multiplication and division.
- We will take a timed drill once a week each full week we are in school (Tuesday - Friday).
- You can practice at home with your child using flash cards or by having them do online addition and subtraction programs.
- This is a B Week.
- No specials.
- Complete your Thursday playlist on Schoology
- This includes your math homework, pages 47 & 48.
- You should attend our Google Meet at 8:00am! We will do morning announcements, morning meeting, and read aloud.