Friday Reminders 12/4/2020

Friday, December 4, 2020

winter holiday tinsel and lights

We had a great week back from break! The kids are trying their best to find ways to be helpful and kind to each other while still social distancing. It's great to see them adapting and showing their personalities more and more.

Gentle reminder that it is getting colder outside and to make sure your kiddo comes to school with a warm jacket. We will be going outside as often as we can for recess. As per LCPS, if the real-feel temperature is 32 degrees or warmer, we can go outside; less than 32 degrees and we will stay inside. This also applies to P.E.

Reminders for Friday, December 4th

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 12/8.
    • Proper Noun Capitalization
    • Compass Rose Quiz
    • Nonfiction Text Quiz
  • NAVY - Library books due 12/8
  • MAROON - Library books due 12/9
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view more about Book Clubs HERE.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We learned about moods and attitudes and how we do have the power to control them.
*Reading - We focused on nonfiction texts this week and how we know when a text is nonfiction or fiction. We also learned about homonyms (words with multiple meanings) and homophones (words that sound the same, but look/are spelled differently). Next week, we will learn more about the possible features of a nonfiction text.
*Writing - We published our writing this week. Next week, we will start our how-to writing.
*Math - We practiced our subtraction facts and solved word problems this week.
*Social Studies - We started to learn about maps and globes this week. We learned about maps, globes, the compass rose, hemispheres, continents, and oceans. Next week, we'll focus on the prime meridian, equator, and landmarks of the USA.

I'll see all the kiddos ONLINE Monday morning and Navy kiddos in person on Tuesday!
Have a wonderful weekend,