Friday Reminders 1/8/2021

Friday, January 8, 2021

  happy 2021 balloons

The kiddos got back into the school groove easily this week! For the most part, they were ready to learn and following along with our lessons. Please remind kiddos to choose a space with limited distractions so that they can focus (when possible).

Next week, second grade will be testing students for the PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) and DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment). For the winter, this does NOT affect all students. Please remember to not assist your child with any parts of the assessment.

  • I will be sending out emails this afternoon/evening to those whom this concerns for individual testing. If you do not receive an email with "kid name - PALS/DRA" as the subject by Saturday, this does not apply to your child. 
    • As in the fall, I will be sending out reminder emails the evening before.
  • Students who meet with Mrs. Zambanini will be tested by her during their small group time. If this applies to your child, you will receive an email from Mrs. Z.
Just as a heads up, second grade will also be MAP testing the first week of February (Feb. 2 - 5). ALL students will be taking the MAP test for math and the MAP test for reading. As we did in the fall, we will meet as a class to do morning meeting and read aloud and then the students testing will stay on the Google Meet. Again, we ask that you help your child log in and be available for any technology issues, but DO NOT help with any words, issues, or questions your child may have. It is very important that your child takes this assessment on their own, even if they get answers wrong.

Another quick heads up, I have a meeting from 8:30 - 9:10am on Thursday, 1/14. The kids will have a substitute, but I plan on having the kids just read during this period. It is longer than usual, but they should be okay. Please do not let your kiddo leave the Google Meet early. We will be meeting for our usual time of 8:00 - 10:45am on 1/14; they will just have a substitute for a short period of time.

Reminders for Friday, January 8th

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 1/12.
    • Contractions (writing)
    • Beginning, Middle, End Quiz (reading)
    • Double Digit Addition WITH and WITHOUT Regrouping 1/8 (math)
  • PALS & DRA testing, the week of 1/11 - 1/15
  • MAP testing, the week of 2/1 - 2/5
  • For info. about PNB Library book checkout/return during 100% distance , please click here.
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view more about Book Clubs HERE.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We learned about perseverance/overcoming challenges and how to take new things in small steps.
*Reading - We reviewed retelling stories with the beginning, middle, and end. We also started nonfiction and learned how we grow our knowledge when we read nonfiction books.
*Writing - We started our All About books, which are nonfiction texts all about one topic.
*Math - We continued to practice addition with and without regrouping.
*Science - We learned about force and motion. Next week, we will focus on magnets and magnetism.

I'll see all the kiddos ONLINE Monday morning!
Have  wonderful weekend,