Friday Reminders 2/5/2021

Friday, February 5, 2021

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support with MAP testing this week! We just have one more day of testing on Tuesday, 2/9 (due to our snow day this week) and then we will be back to business as usual until Tuesday, 2/16.

Tuesday, February 16th is the first day we will be returning to hybrid learning as per the LCPS School Board. I will be emailing out our hybrid schedule as well as a transportation survey soon. Please take your time to read all of the details in this post. Thank you!
  • Remember to complete the Daily Health Checker each day.
    • There was some confusion, but it should be completed every school day regardless of if your child is in-person or at home.
    • If it is an in-person day, it would be ideal that the checker is completed before they arrive at school. They must wait outside the classroom until they are checked by a nurse or the form is filled out.
  • All students are expected to attend morning meeting at 8:00am each school day, whether they are at home or at school. We will do morning announcements, morning meeting, and read aloud together as a class before the home group signs off and the school group gets started with the day.
    • Navy kids are in-person on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
    • Maroon kids are in-person on Wednesdays and Fridays.
    • All kiddos are online on Mondays.
  • On Asynchronous days, the kiddos will be on their own most of the day. It is important that they complete all the work on their playlist and all asynchronous work for specials.
  • While it has mostly stayed the same, there has been a change to our daily schedule.
    • Lunch will now begin at 12:35pm instead of 11:55am.
      • I would strongly suggest trying to have your child eat lunch around that time over the next week so that the transition may be a little easier. 
      • We will still be having a snack around 9:45am as we do online and as we did previously in hybrid. 
      • This causes a slight change to our afternoon schedule, but nothing major. 👍
  • Our specials will remain the same as they were the last time we were in hybrid. 
    • The only Synchronous/live/online special we have is Library on B Week Tuesdays.
      • ALL students are expected to attend.
      • There will be Asynchronous activities available for each special for students at home, but the only special with a teacher is Library. 
      • All specials are offered in-school with the specialists.
  • Small Reading Groups
    • I so very much appreciate all your support (and the kids' as well!) with getting reading groups off the ground! With us switching back to hybrid, we're going to keep groups going.
      • The groups will stay the same. 
      • Kids will be logging into the Google Meet from both at home and at school, just like we do for morning meeting. So this may be a little weird, but we'll get used to it.
      • We will be meeting in the morning during our reading block. The two possible times will be 9:15-9:30am and 9:30-9:45am.
  • Please remember to send all of your child's school items with them on their first day back to school:
    1. Agenda (home & school)
    2. purple writing journal (home & school)
    3. Chromebook AND charger (home & school)
    4. pencil box (home & school)
    5. headphones (home & school)
    6. purple reference folder (school only)
    7. Go Math books -- volume 2, orange SOL Success (school only)
      • We will be done with volume 1 by the time hybrid begins so it can stay at home.
    8. Composition book (school only)
    9. yellow science journal (school only)
    10. dry erase board and markers (school only)
    • If you wish, you are welcome to drop school-only supplies off Friday afternoon before 3:30pm. If your kiddo is Maroon, you also are welcome to drop off supplies between 8:30 -3:30pm on Tuesday. (School is not in session and the building is closed on Monday, 2/15.)
  • The blog will continue to be updated each school day. However, the posts will return to being labelled "Navy Classwork" or "Maroon Classwork" and have the information for the Asynchronous work for that group.

Reminders for Friday, February 5th

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 2/9.
    • Subtraction with and without regrouping Quiz (math)
    • Details Quiz (reading)
    • Complete Sentences (writing)
  • MAP testing on Tuesday, 2/9 for Navy only
    • Maroon will be expected to work on their playlist.
    • All students will be expected to attend Synchronous/live Library at 11:00am.
  • For info. about PNB Library book checkout/return during 100% distance , please click here.
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view more about Book Clubs HERE.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We discussed positive thinking.
*Reading - We determined which details in a story are important (adds to the plot) and which are unimportant (interesting, but doesn't change the story).
*Writing - Due to testing, we did not do anything new in writing.
*Math - Due to testing, the kids completed review activities on Seesaw.
*Science - Due to testing, the kids learned about and showed their learning of different types of storms.

I'll see all the kiddos ONLINE Monday morning!
Have a fantastic weekend,