Friday Reminders 4/23/21

Friday, April 23, 2021

   cactus wave

We survived week one! Each day got a little easier and a little calmer so we're on the right track. 👍 The kids are doing well with getting to know each other and learning some of the new routines. We do need to work on listening to all the directions before starting a task and keeping track of our items. Overall, it was a solid first week with all the kiddos!

Just another heads up that we will be MAP testing next week and starting the rest of our end-of-the-year assessments. For MAP, please make sure your kiddo comes to school with a good night's sleep, a good breakfast, a charged Chromebook, and headphones. Thank you!

Reminders for Friday, April 23rd

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 4/27.
    • Plant Life Cycles test (science)
    • Measuring in Inches quiz (math)
  • RAZ and Dreambox due by Friday, 4/30
    • 30 minutes of RAZ kids
    • 30 minutes of Dreambox
    • To earn Fun Friday time (extra indoor recess) or it will be used to complete missing work.
  • MAP Testing April 27 & 29
    • Our class will be taking the MAP tests at school. Please make sure that kiddo's Chromebook is charged the night before!
    • Math on Tuesday, April 27
    • Reading on Thursday, April 29
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view the April catalogs and information HERE.
    • April orders are due by 4/29/21.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We shared our numbers.
*Reading - We reviewed how to summarize a fiction story.
*Writing - We started learning about poetry and writing our own poetry.
*Math - We continued learning about measurement, including measuring inches, temperature, and weight. Next week, we will start learning about probability.
*Science - We continued learning about the plant life cycle. We will learn about the life cycle of a deer, butterfly, and frog next week.

I'll see all the kids online Monday morning!
Have a wonderful weekend,