Friday Reminders 4/9/21

Friday, April 9, 2021


Happy Friday, folks!

It was a little rough coming back from spring break (the spring "itchies"), but the kids are rolling back into their usual routines. They did well with a few new routines being added as we gear up for the 4-day schedule with all of the Room 20 kiddos. 

A few things to note for the upcoming 4-day schedule:

  • Finally (as the kids have been saying), we will be moving to Room 20 on April 20th! We have been in Room 6 during our in-person days, but will finally be heading to our normal classroom.
  • With a new room and more students comes assigned seating both in the classroom and at lunch.
    • Previously, the kiddos were able to choose their seats each morning, but in order to more accurately do contract tracing for COVID (if needed!), the kids will have assigned seats.
      • To give them a little more choice, I have created a Seesaw activity where they can choose 3 people they would like to sit by and 3 people they think would not be a good choice for them. I have not had the chance to discuss this with the kids yet, but it is up on Seesaw.
  • Mondays will continue to have the same format as they have all year.
    • 8-8:30/8:45am -- Morning Meeting (announcements, morning meeting lesson, read aloud)
    • 8:45am - 2:30pm -- Playlist
    • Small Groups as assigned
  • Tuesday - Friday
    • The kids will NOT have a playlist since they are at school all day.
    • Majority of graded assignments will still be on Seesaw, but the kids will generally be completing them at school rather than at home.
      • There will still be Must-Do and Graded activities on Mondays as well.
    • All reading groups with Ms. Stiffler will be in-person at school.
      • If this changes, I will let you know!
  • The daily blog posts will shift to show homework for that day as well as any upcoming tests/quizzes (rather than the plan for the next day). 
    • Please be sure to check your child's agenda. It will match the blog post.
  • Speaking of homework, since we will be at school more often, I will be expecting the kids to complete at least 30 minutes of RAZ kids and at least 30 minutes of Dreambox each week.
    • This is to help continue to support their skills at home.
    • It will also earn them Fun Friday time, as an incentive.
      • Fun Friday is a 30-minute period on Fridays where it's basically an extra indoor recess, but it has been earned by completing online homework. Since it is extra time, it can be used for completing missing work.
      • If they are missing a graded activity on Seesaw, then this would be a time that they will be given to make sure that activity is completed.

Reminders for Friday, April 9th

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 4/13.
    • Plural Pronouns (writing)
    • American Symbols Quiz (social studies)
    • Reading a Calendar Quiz (math)
    • Doctor/Dentist Quiz (health)
    • Telling Time Test (math)
    • Hyperboles Quiz (reading)
  • No School on Monday, April 12th
    • It is a Teacher Work Day.
    • No playlists, Google Meets, or small groups.
  • Friday, April 16th is an Asynchronous day.
    • The kids will have online morning meeting and then work on their Friday playlist.
      • No small groups with Ms. Stiffler or Mrs. Feeser.
    • This is a special teacher work day so that teachers can prepare for the 4-day schedule change the week of April 19th.
  • 4-day Hybrid will begin the week of April 19th
    • The whole class will be in-person Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
    • The class will continue to be online on Mondays.
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view the April catalogs and information HERE.
    • March orders are due by 4/29/21.
  • PTA still has masks and chrome book sleeves available for purchase.  With more in person days, students may need more mask options 🙂
    • Contact to order.

Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We discussed SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely).
*Reading - We learned about hyperboles (when you exaggerate/make something bigger to make your point). We made SMART goals in reading.
*Writing - We started our fractured fairy tales. We will publish next week.
*Math - We reviewed time and calendar. Next week, we will start measurement.
*Social Studies - We learned about American symbols (Statue of Liberty, Bald Eagle, Washington Monument, American flag). We will start learning about plant life cycles next week.
*Health - We learned about going to the doctor and the dentist.

I'll see Navy in person and Maroon online Tuesday morning!
Have a wonderful weekend,