Friday Reminders 5/7/21

Friday, May 7, 2021

 leaf umbrella

We had a good week! The kids are finally settling and getting used to having all the other kids in the classroom. They are definitely excited for Fun Fridays. We welcomed a new student as well! 

Reminders for Friday, May 7th

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 5/11.
    • Graphing Quiz (math)
    • End of Year Writing Prompt (writing)
    • Sentence Review (writing)
    • Nonfiction Quiz (reading)
    • Animal Test (science)
  • RAZ and Dreambox due by Friday, 5/14
    • 30 minutes of RAZ kids
    • 30 minutes of Dreambox
    • To earn Fun Friday time (extra indoor recess) or it will be used to complete missing work.
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view the May catalogs and information HERE.
    • May orders are due by 5/20/21.
    • This is last order for our class this year!
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We learned about tattling and reviewed when we should talk to an adult. We also discussed that sometimes things bother us, but it doesn't mean the person is doing something wrong.
*Reading - We reviewed how to recognize a nonfiction text versus a fiction story.
*Writing - We reviewed our grammar skills - capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences.
*Math - We learned about probability. We will start geometry next week.
*Science - We learned about the life cycle of a frog and a deer. Next week, we will start learning about economics.

I'll see all the kids online Monday morning!
Stay dry this weekend,