Friday Reminders 6/4/21

Friday, June 4, 2021

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We had a wonderful end of year party! The kids really enjoyed watching Wall-E and eating their lunch in the classroom. Thank you to Mrs. Chintala for helping coordinate the food choices and pick up!

A few notes as the weather is getting warmer and we are wrapping up the school year (I sent these same messages on Remind):

1. Kiddos are welcome to bring a jacket/sweatshirt to wear in the classroom as it does get a little chilly with the AC on.

2. Per LCPS Health Office, "sunscreen shall not be administered or applied by LCPS staff. Students may carry and apply sunscreen to themselves but may not share with other students". So you are welcome to apply it before they leave for school or they can do so at school if they're comfortable putting on themselves, but cannot share or help others.

3. We've had a lot of health concerns in our classroom this week so just a gentle suggestion to talk with your kiddo about any aches, pains, or consistent issues they may have been experiencing.

4. I'm going to start sending different school supplies home. I'll try to post a list to the blog of items each day. Please make sure to check your kiddo's backpack each evening so they're not carrying a ton back and forth each day.

Reminders for Friday, June 4th

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 6/8.
    • Summary Quiz (reading)
    • Nutrition Quiz (science/health)
    • Fractions Quiz (math)
  • RAZ and Dreambox due by Friday, 6/11
    • 30 minutes of RAZ kids
    • 30 minutes of Dreambox
    • To earn Fun Friday time (extra indoor recess) or it will be used to complete missing work.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We shared our numbers.
*Reading - We reviewed how to summarize a story - beginning, middle, end.
*Writing - We worked on and published our comic books!
*Math - We learned about fractions and will continue working on them next week.
*Health - We learned about nutrition. Next week, we will learn about various holidays.

I'll see the kiddos online on Monday morning!
Enjoy the weekend,