Friday Reminders 9/10/21

Friday, September 10, 2021

We had an impressive week! The kids are showing so much growth simply in being good Pumas - respectful, responsible, and ready. We have done a lot of new learning and they have done a wonderful job listening and rolling with everything; I feel like a broken record, but we really are still learning some new routines here and there.

Please check your child's silver folder and the back of their agenda for login information. I sent this home during open house/back to school night, but thought it would be helpful to have this information again! We use a QR code to login to Seesaw and the kids have all of their login information on the back of their nametag in school.

Thank you for all you are doing at home to support your kiddo and our classroom! 

Reminders for Friday, September 10th
  • Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
  • 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 9/17
    • This is 30 minutes between Friday, 9/10 and Friday 9/17, not 30 minutes each day. It will be written in their agendas each day as a reminder.
  • No school on Thursday, 9/16
  • 2-digit Place Value quiz on Friday, 9/17
  • **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack. Accidents happen and it's always best when the kids have masks that they are already comfortable wearing. 
    • Please also be sure that your kiddo's masks fit their faces well!
  • LCPS lunch menu can be found HERE
    • Look for the white dropdown box, click to choose elementary school, and then click SY Lunch @ ES. It changes each month.
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view the current catalogs and information HERE.
    • September orders are due by 9/24/21.
Week Overview
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We worked on classroom connections and ways to be active contributors in our classroom community.
Reading -  We reviewed how to choose just right books and how to make a prediction about a text. Next week, we will learn/review types of text connections.
Writing -  We learned about adjectives and verbs. We then reviewed both as well as nouns. We will focus on punctuation and capitalization next week.
Math - We learned about more patterns and even/odd numbers. We will begin our place value unit next week.
Social Studies - We continued learning about citizenship and voting. Next week, we will start learning about scientific method.

Have a fantastic weekend,