Friday Reminders 10/22/21

Friday, October 22, 2021


Reminders for Friday, October 22nd

  • Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
  • 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Thursday, 10/28
  • Picture Day on Tuesday, 10/26
  • Habitats test on Tuesday, 10/26
  • Library Books due Thursday, 10/28
  • No school on Friday, 10/29 (teacher work day)
  • No school on Monday, 11/1, Tuesday, 11/2, and Thursday, 11/4
    • 11/1 - Conferences (teacher work day)
    • 11/2 - Election Day
    • 11/4 - Diwali
  • Asynchronous days on Wednesday, 11/3 and Friday, 11/5
    • These are being used as teacher planning days and student asynchronous days.
    • There will be a playlist on Schoology and work to complete on Seesaw and through LCPS Go. I will send out a blog post with more details next week, but I encourage you to check out our class Schoology page with your kiddo.
  • **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack. Accidents happen and it's always best when the kids have masks that they are already comfortable wearing. 
    • Please also be sure that your kiddo's masks fit their faces well!
Week Overview
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We showed what we learned about helpful thoughts.
Reading -  We learned how to stop & jot to make sure we can retell a book and how to identify the most important part of a story. Next week, we will learn how to identify the main idea of a story.
Writing -  We continued to learn about and practice with contractions. We also started learning about how to write a powerful ending.
Math - We learned about rounding numbers to the nearest 10.
Science - We learned about the desert, grasslands, oceans/ponds, and adaptations this week! We'll review adaptations and habitats next week before reviewing fire safety.

Have a magnificent weekend,