Homework for Monday, October 4th
- Math pages 115 & 116
- 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 10/8
- Quarter 1 interims were sent out just before 4:30pm today.
- This marks the halfway point of Quarter 1. This is not your child's report card. It is more of a preview for how their quarter has been going.
- Hat Day for Spirit Week tomorrow, 10/5!
- 3-Digit Place Value quiz tomorrow, 10/5 (math)
- Wear sneakers and pack a water bottle for Puma Olympics on Thursday, 10.7!
- Communities test on Thursday, 10/7 (social studies)
- Counting forward/backward by 10 and 100 Quiz on Friday, 10/8 (math)
- Problem/Solution Quiz on Friday, 10/8 (reading)