Related to our SEL (social-emotional learning)/morning meeting lessons, the kiddos and I discussed a class goal. The class settled on practicing patience; they will show this by waiting for directions to be done BEFORE they start moving and following them. We are working toward doing this 10 times to earn 10 extra minutes of Fun Friday. 👍 So far, we have been doing well with practicing this skill and working on our goal!
Reminders for Friday, January 14th

- Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
- 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 1/21
- Blizzard of Books reading event on Wednesday, 1/19 from 6-7:30pm
- There is a flyer about this event that came home with your child today, 1/14. The date is incorrect on the flyer, but correct here on the blog.
- 2-digit Addition AND Subtraction quiz on Thursday, 1/20 (math)
- Author's Purpose quiz on Friday, 1/21 (reading)
- Did the author write this passage to persuade the reader, entertain the reader, or inform the reader?
- Magnets and Force test on Tuesday, 1/25 (science)
- Estimating Sums and Differences quiz on Tuesday, 1/25 (math)
- **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack.
- LCPS lunch menu can be found HERE
- Look for the white dropdown box, click to choose elementary school, and then click SY Lunch @ ES. It changes each month.
- Scholastic Book Club January orders are due by 1/26/22. Our class code is RKQRV.
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We learned about the 5Cs of an LCPS Graduate - collaborator, creator, communicator, critical thinker, and citizen.
Reading - We continued building our reading stamina -- being able to read for longer periods of time.
Writing - We published our How-To writings this week. Next week, we will learn how to write persuasively.
Writing - We published our How-To writings this week. Next week, we will learn how to write persuasively.
Math - We continued to practice our 2-digit subtraction skill. Next week, we will review 2-digit addition AND 2-digit subtraction and start learning how to estimate sums and differences.
Science - We began our magnets & force unit. We have learned about what force is and some different types of forces - magnetic, gravity, friction. We will look more into magnets and magnetic force next week.
It is a 3-day weekend so I will see the kiddos again on Tuesday, 1/18!
Enjoy the snow this weekend,