Well, I definitely caught up on some sleep with all these snow days! I hope you and the kiddos were able to relax and enjoy the days off this week. We'll be getting back into routine next week with a full five days!
Reminders for Friday, January 21st

- Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
- 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 1/28
- Magnets and Force test on Wednesday, 1/26 (science)
- Estimating Sums and Differences quiz on Thursday, 1/27 (math)
- Author's Purpose quiz on Friday, 1/28 (reading)
- Did the author write this passage to persuade the reader, entertain the reader, or inform the reader?
- The MLK Acts of Service Challenge is due by Friday, 1/28 (Pinebrook event).
- Please click here to read more.
- No School on Monday, 1/31 -- teacher work day
- No School on Tuesday, 2/1 -- Chinese/Lunar New Year
- **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack.
- LCPS lunch menu can be found HERE
- Look for the white dropdown box, click to choose elementary school, and then click SY Lunch @ ES. It changes each month.
- Scholastic Book Club January orders are due by 1/26/22. Our class code is RKQRV.
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We learned about how to agree or disagree respectfully.
Reading - We continued building our reading stamina -- being able to read for longer periods of time.
Writing - We started learning about how to write persuasively. Next week, we will write letters to convince someone else to read a book we like.
Writing - We started learning about how to write persuasively. Next week, we will write letters to convince someone else to read a book we like.
Math - We reviewed 2-digit addition AND 2-digit subtraction. Next week, we will learn how to estimate sums and differences.
Science - We learned about how magnets attract and repel poles (north and south). We will continue this learning next week.
Stay warm and safe this weekend,