Friday Reminders 2/11/22

Friday, February 11, 2022

We survived our CogAT testing week! The kiddos have great resilience and patience. We did enjoy having two of our dads spend time with our class as WatchDogs this week!

The kids earned a class reward by making sure the classroom was clean by dismissal ten times (building responsibility). They voted on watching a movie (over having a pajama day or extra Fun Friday time). Then they voted on a movie so we will be watching Finding Nemo on Monday in the afternoon; it is rated G which means it can be shown at school. 👍 The kids do NOT have to bring cards, but if they wish to, we will be passing out Valentine's Day cards on Monday.

Reminders for Friday, February 11th

  • Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
  • 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 2/18
  • Money quiz (more than $1) on Tuesday, 2/15 (math)
    • This quiz will have amounts more than $1 using quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies.
    • Here is a copy of the chart that the kids have been using in class. We also made one in their math journals in class.
  • Weather test on Thursday, 2/17
  • Interesting vs. Important Details quiz on Friday, 2/18 (reading)
    • This focus is intended to build kids' awareness of what details from a story should be used when retelling it or supporting their thinking.
    • Example.) In the Little Red Riding Hood, the main character's red jacket is an interesting detail while the wolf taking the place of her grandma is an important detail as it affects the story. If the wolf did not do this, then there would not be a problem in the story (other than grandma being sick).
  • **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack. 
PTA Notes
  • PTA Bingo Night on February 25th at 6pm!
Week Overview
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We learned about empathy. We will continue this next week.
Reading -  We continued to practice finding, and matching, causes and effects in stories. Next week, we will learn the difference between interesting and important details in a story.
Writing -  Due to CogAT, we ended up writing 2 more opinion pieces rather than starting a new writing unit. Next week, we will write a story based on a picture prompt.
Math - We continued to practice counting collections of coins and started doing so with amounts greater than $1 (but less than $2). Next week, we will wrap up this unit and start learning about time.
Science - We continued to learn about weather and different disaster weather. We will learn about tracking weather and then finish up the unit.

Hopefully, we will get to enjoy some snow on Sunday!
Have a marvelous weekend,