Reminders for Friday, April 29th
Week Overview

- Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
- No School on Monday, 5/2 -- Eid Al-Fitr
- 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 5/6
- Similes quiz on Friday, 5/6 (reading)
- example: It's as cold as ice outside! - It's really cold.
- Geometry test on Tuesday, 5/10 (math)
- **If you feel strongly about your child continuing to wear their mask throughout the day, please do let me know so that I can reinforce your decision with your student. Thank you!
- Just to clarify - I cannot make your student wear their mask, but I can remind them and let you know if they are repeatedly choosing not to wear it.
- LCPS lunch menu can be found HERE
- Look for the white dropdown box, click to choose elementary school, and then click SY Lunch @ ES. It changes each month.
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We discussed how to tell about a problem without using "blame words" - never, always, on purpose.
Handwriting - We finished the whole lowercase alphabet in cursive! We'll be practicing using our cursive and using uppercase letters.
Reading - We reviewed how to make connections to our lives from the the stories we read. We also learned about alliteration. Next week, we will learn about similes.
Writing - We wrote acrostic poems.
Writing - We wrote acrostic poems.
Math - We started our geometry unit this week by identifying 2-d shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle) by their sides/lines, vertices/corners, and angles. Next week, we will add onto this knowledge to discuss 3-d shapes by their edges/sides, vertices (where two edges come together), and faces (flat surfaces).
Science - We wrapped up our plant life cycles unit. Next week, we will do our plant life cycles lab, learn about what plants give us, and begin our animal life cycles unit (butterflies, frogs, white-tailed deer).
Have a terrific weekend and I'll see the kids on Tuesday,