Friday Updates 8/26/22

Friday, August 26, 2022


We had a productive first couple of days! The kids learned many new class routines and are settling into the new classroom. We made class bracelets to show how we are a class family and that we are here to stay together to learn and grow. The kids decided what would be expected in our classroom during independent reading and during recess (see Dojo for photos!). The kids are off to a great start to the year!

Reminders for Friday, August 26th
  • Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
  • Practice your student ID number!
  • 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Thursday, 9/1
  • Reading MAP test on Tuesday, 8/30
  • Math MAP test on Thursday, 9/1
  • Prediction Assessment on Friday, 9/9 (reading)
    • Students will make a prediction about a text from looking at its cover. 
    • What do you think will happen in the story? What will the characters do?
  • Citizenship Assessment on Friday, 9/9 (social studies)
    • Study guide will be sent home on Monday.
  • Culture Project due on Friday, 9/16
    • Information will be sent home AND posted to the blog (here!) on Monday.
  • All the kiddos' login information in the back cover of their agenda. Copies were also sent home in their silver folder on Thursday. Most applications can be accessed through LCPS Go.
  • Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
    • If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
  • Spirit Night on Tuesday, 8/30 from 5-8pm
    • Chick-fil-A at 43310 Defender Drive
      • Mention Pinebrook at checkout
Week Overview
Reading -  We read Our Class is Family by Shannon Olson and discussed how we are here to learn together and look out for each other as each other's school family. We also read That's Not My Name by Anoosha Syed to highlight the importance of names and Teacher's Top Secret by LaNesha Tabb to show that we are all special and important to our classroom. We will learn about Just Right books and Real Reading Vs. Fake Reading next week as well as predictions.
Writing -  We wrote about things that make us special. We will learn about common and proper nouns next week.
Math - Next week, we will start learning about ordinal numbers and place value.
Social Studies - We will learn about citizenship next week.

Enjoy the weekend!