Friday Updates 9/16/22

Friday, September 16, 2022

Whew, we made it through the first full week of school! We enjoyed a BMX show this morning that talked about perservance and standing up for yourself (check Dojo for some videos!). We started our Culture Project presentations and the kids were excited to learn more about each other. They are quite happy about our family photo wall as well. 💗

The kids are officially settling into our regular routines! 🎆 That being said, our afternoon is changing a little bit as we are going to switch math and social studies/science; we started this on Wednesday and the kids have already said they like it better so I think it will be a smooth transition. I'll send a new schedule home on Thursday with the kids' mailbox papers.

Reminders for Friday, September 16th
  • Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
  • 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 9/23
  • Story Elements Assessment on Friday, 9/23 (reading)
    • Students will identify the setting (where and when) and characters (who is in the story).
  • Scientific Method Test on Thursday, 9/22 (science)
  • Skip Counting quiz on Thursday, 9/22 (math)
  • No School on Monday, 9/26 - teacher work day
    • If you celebrate Rosh Hashanah, Shanah tovah umtukah!
  • Puma Olympics on Friday, 9/30
    •  We'll be outside from 10:30 - 12:00pm
    • Please dress for the weather, wear sneakers, and bring a water bottle! The kids can also bring sunglasses (which they can do for recess too).
    • The Fun Run fundraiser will also being during the Olympics.
  • Weekly Reminders
    • Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
      • If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
    • Return library books by Wednesday!
      • If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
  • Scholastic Book orders due by 9/29/22.
    • This is completely optional! Just a resource for getting books to read at home.
  • PTA Meeting on Monday, 10/17 at 7pm in the Pinebrook Elementary Library
  • School store will be open on Fridays from 7:40 - 8:00mm.
Week Overview
SEL/Morning Meeting - We continued to build our classroom community and discussed more growth mindset.
Reading -  We worked on building our reading stamina - reading for long periods of time.
Writing -  We learned about verbs and reviewed our understanding of nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
Read Aloud - We made connections to our texts. Next week, we will focus on the story elements of setting (where and when) and characters.
Science - We started learning the steps of the Scientific Method and did two experiments - walking water and the "leak-proof" bag (I entirely forgot to take photos!). Next week, we will continue reviewing the steps and doing experiments.
Math - We learned about 2-digit place value (ones and tens). We will practice our skip counting to 120 as we get ready to learn about 3-digit place value (ones, tens, hundreds. We talked about:
  • number form = 42
  • word form = forty-two
  • Base 10 form = 4 rods and 2 units
  • expanded form = 40 + 2 = 42
Handwriting - We learned the print letters of C, O, S, V, W, and T

Have a great weekend,