Friday Updates 1/27/23

Friday, January 27, 2023

Please note the new translator tool on the top right side of the blog! It won't translate the homework slides, but it will translate anything I write in a blog post. I hope this is helpful!

Reminders for Friday, January 27th

  • Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
  • 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 2/3
  • Cause and Effect quiz on Friday, 2/3 (reading)
    • The student will identify how one event causes another to happen (effect).
    • Example: Goldilocks sits in Baby Bear's chair (cause) so it breaks (effect).
  • Counting Coins quiz on Friday, 2/3 (math)
    • Amounts less than $1
  • CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) on Monday, 2/6, Tuesday, 2/7, and Wednesday, 2/8
    • This is a standardized test that all second graders in Loudoun County take. There are three parts and we take them back-to-back. 
    • Please make sure your child's Chromebook is charged and they get a good night's sleep & breakfast!
    • If you have any questions about CogAT, please reach out to Mrs. Wilhelm, our SEARCH teacher, at I am not allowed to comment on the test as per LCPS.
  • Magnets and Force test on Wednesday, 2/8 (science)
  • Class Party on Tuesday, 2/14
    • Please be sure to send your child's permission slip back as soon as possible! A paper copy was sent home this week. Here are the digital copies:
  • Weekly Reminders
    • Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
      • If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
    • Return library books by Wednesday!
      • If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
    • Ice Cream at lunch on Thursday!
      • Ice cream is $1.
    • House Spirit Days are on Fridays.
      • Wear your house color on Fridays to show house spirit. 
    • Parents can join at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
      • Please be sure to bring your ID card to get in the front door.
      • You can walk your kiddo back to the classroom after lunch (when Ms. Stiffler comes to pick them up) if you would like.
      • Our lunch is 12:20 - 12:50pm.
  • PTA Meeting on Monday, 2/2023 at 7pm in the Pinebrook Elementary Library
  • School store will be open on Fridays from 7:40 - 8:00mm.
Week Overview
Reading - We focused on reviewing author's purpose.
Writing -  We wrote Friendly letters. We also started our Opinions unit! The kids are given a prompt and answer it with three reasons to support their thinking.
Read Aloud - We started learning about author's purpose this week. We will learn about cause and effect in stories next week.
Math - We reviewed rounding to the nearest ten and learned how to estimate sums and differences. Next week, we will start our money unit. We will work with money up to $2 by the end of the unit.
Science We started our new unit on Magnets and Force. We have discussed how force is the push and pull on an object and that magnets have a magnetic force that affects their north and south poles. We will continue this learning next week.
Handwriting - We continued to practice our cursive and learned e and l in cursive. We are also practicing our print letters and words during our morning work; I noticed a bunch of random capital letters in the kids' writing recently.

Have a wonderful weekend,