Reminders for Friday, February 10th
- Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
- 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 2/17
- Log in through LCPS Go or go to
- Class Party on Tuesday, 2/14
- Details quiz on Friday, 2/17 (reading)
- Important versus Interesting Details
- Important details will affect the story if they are changed or removed.
- example - If we changed the bears in Goldilocks and Three Bears into real bears, then the story changes a lot.
- Interesting details will not affect the story if they are changed or removed.
- example - If we changed Goldilocks to another bear, then the story doesn't change much.
- Weather test on Thursday, 2/23 (science)
- PEP (Parents as Educational Partners) on Friday, 2/23/23
- A monthly opportunity for parents of English Language Learners.
- Session Topic: Study Skills and Homework
- Ms. Stiffler is planning to attend this session and hopes to see you there!
- Weekly Reminders
- Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
- If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
- Return library books by Wednesday!
- If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
- Ice Cream at lunch on Thursday!
- Ice cream is $1.
- House Spirit Days are on Fridays.
- Wear your house color on Fridays to show house spirit.
- Parents can join at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
- Please be sure to bring your ID card to get in the front door.
- You can walk your kiddo back to the classroom after lunch (when Ms. Stiffler comes to pick them up) if you would like.
- Our lunch is 12:20 - 12:50pm.
- Pinebrook Family Resources Page
- Information on how to study, testing, online programs, etc.
- Spirit Night at Manhattan Pizza on Wednesday, 2/15/23
- PTA Virtual Bingo on Friday, 2/24/23
- PTA Meeting on Monday, 3/6/2023 at 7pm in the Pinebrook Elementary Library
- School store will be open on Fridays from 7:40 - 8:00mm.
- The kids should come to the classroom first so I know they are here and THEN go to the school store.
- Click here to see the flyer from the PTA.
Reading - We focused on practicing finding cause and effect. Part of our reading time was also affected by practicing for the CogAT.
Writing - We continued to write about our opinions; the kids are given a prompt and answer it with three reasons to support their thinking. We will start our Fiction Stories next week.
Writing - We continued to write about our opinions; the kids are given a prompt and answer it with three reasons to support their thinking. We will start our Fiction Stories next week.
Read Aloud - We learned about biographies and why we read them. Next week, we will focus on important versus interesting details.
Math - We closed our money unit by counting coins and $1 bills together. Next week, we will start our time unit.
Science - We finished our Magnets and Force unit by learning about how magnets attract and repel objects. We will start our weather unit next week!
Handwriting - We are still practicing our handwriting during morning work.
Have a wonderful weekend,