Friday Updates 4/28/23

Friday, April 28, 2023

Reminders for Friday, April 28th

  • Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
  • 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 5/5
  • Landforms quiz on Tuesday, 5/1 (reading)
    • The student will use their background knowledge (from reading - mind map) to answer questions and write facts from a nonfiction text.
    • It is not a quiz on landforms. It is a quiz of reading skills.
  • Matter test on Wednesday, 5/3 (science)
  • Contractions quiz on Tuesday, 5/8 (reading)
  • Geometry test on Tuesday, 5/8 (math)
    • 2-d and 3-d shapes
  • Patriotic Symbols quiz on Thursday, 5/11 (social studies)
  • Symmetry quiz on Friday, 5/12 (math)
  • Weekly Reminders
    • Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
      • If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
    • Return library books by Wednesday!
      • If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
    • Ice Cream at lunch on Thursday!
      • Ice cream is $1.
      • Kids are welcome to get ice cream any day. Second grade is encouraging kids to go on Thursdays so that it is less confusing and chaotic.
    • House Spirit Days are on Fridays.
      • Wear your house color on Fridays to show house spirit. 
    • Parents can join at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
      • Please be sure to bring your ID card to get in the front door.
      • You can walk your kiddo back to the classroom after lunch (when Ms. Stiffler comes to pick them up) if you would like.
      • Our lunch is 12:20 - 12:50pm.
Week Overview
Reading - We continued reading about landforms - mountains, caves, volcanoes, glaciers, etc. You can follow our learning on the mind map. Next week, we will wrap it up and then start learning about food chains.
Writing -  We reviewed homonyms and homophones. Next week, we will use our knowledge about Native Americans to write a short story.
Read Aloud - We started learning about contractions. You can check our learning on the mind map.
Math - We finished our probability unit and began our geometry unit with 2-d shapes. Next week, we will learn about 3-d shapes.
Science We learned about the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas. We will continue this learning next week and then start a short unit on patriotic symbols.

Stay dry this weekend,