See You Later 6/14/24

Friday, June 14, 2024

Wow, what a year it has been! Kiddos, you are very helpful and caring people! You had so many new things to learn about school and in our lessons and you did a wonderful job learning those things. You grew so much from those young second graders in September and I know that you're going to grow even more as you leave Room 13 and do great things in the future. Remember that you are important, you are so very loved by many people in your lives, and you can do this! I will miss you all so very much. Remember that like the sign in our window, it's more of a See You Soon than a Goodbye; you are always one of my kiddos, and can come visit anytime (though we are shifting over to Room 17)! ❤

Families, thank you for all of your support for the kids and our classroom! We really could not do it without you. I found a beautiful message that really reflects my thoughts:
I give you back your child, the same child you confidently entrusted to my care last fall. I give them back inches taller, months wiser, more responsible, and more mature than they were then. Although they would have obtained their growth in spite of me, it has been my pleasure and privilege to watch their personality unfold day by day. I give them back reluctantly, for having spent nine months together in the narrow confines of a crowded classroom, we have grown close, have become a part of each other’s life stories. 
Ten years from now if we meet on the street, your child and I, a light will shine to our eyes, a smile to our face, and we shall feel the bond of understanding once more, this bond we feel today on the last day of school. 
We have lived, loved, laughed, played, studied, learned, and enriched our lives together this year. I wish it could go on indefinitely, but give him back I must. 
Remember that I shall always be interested in your child and their destiny, wherever they goes, whatever they do, whoever they become. Their joys and sorrows I will always be happy to share. 

I wish you all the very best in third grade and in your futures!
Have a terrific summer (you deserve it!),