Friday Update 5/22/2020

Friday, May 22, 2020
Happy Friday! I hope everyone gets to enjoy the three-day weekend. 😊 Big props to the kids for self-advocating and asking for help a lot more this week. It's awesome to see their independence still growing!

Keep in mind our wonderful special area teachers have put a lot of work into their distance learning plans, including Search and Guidance. Please consider trying out their activities; they're linked on the 2nd grade Hyperdoc. 😊

Fifth Grade Celebration
The 5th Grade Celebration Team has put together a few things to celebrate all of the fifth graders. Please see these two links for information on helping to celebrate our 5th grade friends. Parents, staff, peers, and other students can leave well wishes, voice clips, video messages or photos on the Padlets.
Class Placements for 2020 - 2021
Mr. Thiessen would like all parents to complete these two surveys regarding class placement for next year. These are the same surveys that were sent out in last Sunday's Puma Paw; if you filled it out on the Puma Paw, then you're good! If you have not yet completed these surveys, please take a few minutes to let your voice be heard.
  • The first survey is the input survey that we typically use, every year. Please complete it as we use the information each year to surround students with others to create a class community that is complimentary of all the learners. This survey regarding input for your child is due by May 27th. (If you have multiple PNB kiddos, then you should complete one for each.)
  • The second survey is strictly input gathering. We are gaining input to consider relying on the class communities that have already been established and continuing them into the next school year if we start next school year in a virtual environment. To be clear, a decision to keep classes together for next year has not been determined at this point. We are merely gathering your input, which we much appreciate as we navigate this situation. Please complete this short survey as soon as possible.
School Belongings
Teachers will soon begin to enter the school and gather together student belongings (as well as pack up our classrooms 😞). Information about picking up student belongings will be coming out from admin soon; I will let you know as soon as I have the information. 👍 My request of you is to simply let me know if you are already aware that your child has left an item (jacket, water bottle, etc.) in the classroom so that I can grab it and put it with their stuff. When I get in the classroom, I'll be posting photos of any items I see to ClassDojo; if it belongs to your child, just comment on the photo. Thanks for your help! 

Reminders for Friday, May 22nd
  • There is no school on Monday, May 25th as it is Memorial Day.
    • This means that nothing new will be posted on Monday.
  • Hyperdoc for 5/26 - 5/29 will be posted on Tuesday, May 26th at 8AM.
    • All hyperdocs are available on:
      • the blog
      • Seesaw (Inbox -> Messages)
      • Google Classroom
Remember to be kind to yourself and breathe! I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and safe.

Have a wonderful weekend,
leaf umbrella