Friday Reminders 9/25/2020

Friday, September 25, 2020


Kiddos, wonderful job this week! You all did a great job with logging into Google Meets and completing your work on the Playlists. I also heard from Dr. Varona that you were fantastic in music on Tuesday! Please make sure that you are completed ALL of your must-dos each day; these activities help you build your skills and make your brain smarter.

Families, thank you so much for your support with PALS testing! This data is valuable information that will help me with knowing what your child is strong in and what they need support in. I know there have been a couple of technical difficulties here and there so I appreciate your perseverance.

We do have another assessment next week. This one is called MAP (Measures of Academic Progress). Second graders take both the math and reading MAP tests. Please check your email later today for an email about MAP and your child's small group time and date. 

I posted an explanation of Seesaw and Asynchronous Playlists earlier this week, which you can view HERE. One section I wanted to emphasize is the following:

  • What do I need to make sure my child is doing well on Seesaw? 
    • Please encourage your child to read all the directions on each activity. There is a recording of the directions that your child can listen to. 
    • You can check their "To-Do" folder with them and make sure that they have completed all Must-dos.
      • Going forward, assignments that are graded will be marked “Graded Activity.” These assignments need to be completed by Sunday of each week.  The activities will no longer be available after Sunday.  Any graded assignments not completed will be marked as incomplete and students will receive a grade of 1 in ParentVUE. 
      • Please DO NOT help your child with answering graded assignments. You are welcome to help with technology and how to do the activities, but do not answer it for them.
    • Encourage your child to check over comments left by their teacher on their work. You can view these on the activity or go to "Inbox" and then "Notifications".
    • Check your child's "Draft" folder with them. If I sent something back to them, it will show up as a draft with a comment from me about what they need to finish.

Reminders for September 25th, 2020

  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw:
    • Predictions Quiz - due by 9/27
    • Citizenship Quiz - due by 9/27
    • Making Connections Quiz - due by 9/27
    • Writing: Sentences - due by 9/27
    • Writing: Favorite Snack - due by 9/27
    • Math: Lesson #1 - Number Sense Review - due by 9/27
    • Good Citizenship - due by 9/27
  • Story Elements quiz available 10/2/2020
    • Students will have until Sunday, 10/4 to complete this quiz.
    • We will be covering this in reading this coming week.
  • Monday's morning session will be short due to teacher meeting/planning.
    • We will meet from about 8:15 - 8:30/8:45am on Google Meet as a class.
    • Your child will need to:
      • complete their Asynchronous SEARCH lesson (B Week Mondays).
        • Please email Mrs. Ciardiello with any questions about SEARCH (
      • complete their Monday playlist on Schoology
      • attend their PALS testing session if scheduled
        • You will receive an email from me if this applies to your child!
        • You can check the schedule HERE.
  • As per Mr. Thiessen, we are still not doing small groups at this time. Again, you will receive an individual schedule for your child in an email before we start groups.
  • To learn more about our academic assessments in second grade, please CLICK HERE.
  • To learn more about Seesaw and the Asynchronous Playlists, please CLICK HERE.
  • PLEASE practice and explore Seesaw with your child.
    • Click HERE for a few videos about how to log into Seesaw on different devices and what it should look like on your child's account.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We continued to learn about growth mindset. We will start learning about active listening next week.
*Reading - We learned how to make connections to stories and practiced different reading skills (predictions, retelling, identifying setting).
*Writing - The kids learned about nouns (common and proper), adjectives, and verbs.
*Math - This week, we started learning about place value (tens and ones).
*Social Studies/Science - We learned about voting and started learning about scientific methods. We also did an experiment! Next week, we will do more experiments.

Remember to relax and take time for yourself!
Have a wonderful weekend,