Friday Reminders 10/16/2020

Friday, October 16, 2020


We are done with testing until December! Thank you for all your support with this. The kids were rockstars through all of it and you were too! This data will be helpful in creating groups and knowing where to support the kids in reading and math.

  • Since we have finished DRA, all the kids' RAZ kids assignments have been updated to reflect their independent reading level so they should be challenged just enough without being frustrated.
  • I have assigned place value to them on Dreambox Math. It is not a Must-Do right now, but I would highly recommend having your child complete the May-Do time of 20 minutes each day on Dreambox. When we go Hybrid, I do plan on having that be a Must-Do.

We will be starting Hybrid In-Person learning starting October 27th. Half of the kids will be coming on Tuesdays/Thursdays and the other half will be coming on Wednesdays/Fridays. On the days your child is not at school, they will be working on an Asynchronous playlist as they have been doing the past two months. ALL students will attend morning meeting and read aloud, whether they are at home or in school. You should have received an email that details what days your child will be at school and more information about Hybrid learning from me on 10/18. Please also be sure to check the Puma Paw for updates.

Reminders for Friday, October 16th, 2020

  • Friday, October 23rd is a teacher work day for grades K, 1, 2.
    • This means that we will meet like it is a Monday.
      • The kids will have morning meeting and read aloud with Ms. Stiffler on Google Meet. They will have a Playlist to complete and have asynchronous/on your own Library.
    • This is to allow Hybrid teachers time to prepare for students.
      • Hybrid learning starts Tuesday, October 27th.
  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 10/19.
    • Tens and Ones Quiz
    • Capitalization Sentence Fix
    • Skip Counting Quiz
    • Sentence Punctuation
    • Problem and Solution Quiz
    • Communities Quiz
    • 2-Digit Place Value Practice (NOT graded, but definitely recommended practice)
  • The following assignments will be on Seesaw next week. All these assignments are graded and due by 10/26.
    • Fire Safety quiz available 10/21/2020
    • Hamburger Writing available 10/22/2020
    • Lesson #2: 3-digit Numbers (Math) available 10/23/2020
    • Questioning quiz available 10/23/2020
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school right now. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view more about Book Clubs HERE.
  • To learn more about Seesaw and the Asynchronous Playlists, please CLICK HERE.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - We discussed active listening - what is does/doesn't look like. Next week, we will discuss how to disagree.
*Reading - We focused on identifying the problem and solution of different stories. Next week, we will practice asking questions (wondering) about our texts - before, during, and after reading.
*Writing - We learned about punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark), capitalization, transition words, and what complete sentences look like. Next week, we will practice writing paragraphs.
*Math - We returned to place value this week and started learning how to group tens into hundreds. Next week, we will continue learning about place value.
*Social Studies - We continued learning about communities and how they changed over time (transportation, population, communication). Next week, we will learn about fire safety.

Have a great weekend,