Friday Reminders 10/9/2020

Friday, October 9, 2020

Just an FYI, LCPS did decide to that Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade will be going Hybrid starting October 27th. Our class is one of the Hybrid classes for second grade. The kids are split into two groups. One group will come to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays; the other will come to school on Wednesdays and Fridays. The other days will be spent at home doing a Playlist. You can find more information on the Puma Paw. If you have any concerns or questions, please email our principal, Mr. Thiessen at

We will be doing our DRA testing next week, 10/13 - 10/16. I will be sending out reminder emails, but you can reference the schedule HERE. After DRA, we will be done with testing until December/January!

Other than DRA testing, next week will be pretty normal. We will meet from 8:15 - 10:50-ish and then the kids will head to specials at 11:00am. Then they'll have lunch and start their Playlist around 12:45pm. It should be a smooth transition back into routine. 

Reminders for Friday, October 9th, 2020

  • We do NOT have school on Monday, October 12th! 
    • The kids will NOT meet on Google Meet or complete any work on Monday.
    • Your child is welcome to do their Asynchronous SEARCH lesson on Monday if they wish, since it is a B Week Monday.
  • Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 10/12.
    • Scientific Method Quiz
    • Ordinal Numbers Quiz
    • Patterns Quiz
    • Even and Odd Quiz
    • Beginning, Middle, End Quiz
    • Nouns, Adjectives, & Verbs Quiz
    • Common and Proper Noun Hunting
    • Culture Project
      • Pages 1-3
      • Pages 4-5
      • Pages 6-7
  • The following assignments will be on Seesaw next week. All these assignments are graded and due by 10/16.
    • Tens and Ones Quiz available 10/13/2020
    • Capitalization Sentence Fix available 10/13/2020
    • Skip Counting Quiz available 10/14/2020
    • Sentence Punctuation available 10/15/2020
    • Communities Quiz available 10/16/2020
    • Problem and Solution Quiz available 10/16/2020
  • As per Mr. Thiessen, we are still not doing small groups at this time. Again, you will receive an individual schedule for your child in an email before we start groups.
  • Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school right now. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view more about Book Clubs HERE.
  • To learn more about our academic assessments in second grade, please CLICK HERE.
  • To learn more about Seesaw and the Asynchronous Playlists, please CLICK HERE.
Week Overview
*Morning Meeting - Due to testing, we didn't have many discussions during morning meeting, but we did share our numbers each morning. We will definitely learn about Active Listening next week.
*Reading - We focused on identifying the beginning, middle, and end of stories. Next week, we will identify the problem and solution of different stores.
*Writing - The kids practiced identifying nouns, adjectives, and verbs on Seesaw. We will focus on writing complete sentences (punctuation, capital letters).
*Math - The kids practiced skills that we have learned previously. Next week, we will finish up with patterns and ordinal numbers and start focusing on place value.
*Science - Due to testing, the kids worked on a personal Culture Project on Seesaw. Next week, we will continue learning about communities and diversity.

I'll see the kids on Tuesday morning!
Have an awesome three-day weekend,