We had a great week of learning! I think we have hit a nice groove in our routines and hybrid learning. The kids did take their first timed drills; this will be done every week that both Navy and Maroon are in-person. Shout-out to the kids for being such champs during our lockdown drills and fire drill this week! They are also doing a wonderful job self-advocating for help when they need it.
Please remember that morning meeting on Google Meet starts at 8:00am EVERY school day, whether your child is at home or in the classroom.
There are several items that some kids are taking back and forth that should stay at school. We added stickers to the kids' supplies to show them what goes back and forth from home and school to help with this confusion. If an item has this sticker, then it needs to come to school each in-person day:

Reminders for Friday, November 13th
- Please make sure to choose a placement for your child for second semester. EVERY family must submit a placement for EACH child, even if you are keeping them as hybrid. Deadline is November 20th at 8pm.
- You can find more information HERE.
- Native American Project due by 11/24
- Seesaw Project & 3-d item presented on Flipgrid
- Click HERE for more information.
- Please make sure your child has completed the following assignments on Seesaw. All these assignments are GRADED and due by 11/17.
- Comparing Numbers Quiz
- Powhatan Quiz
- Pueblo Quiz (Navy was assigned 11/13; Maroon will be assigned on 11/16)
- Main Idea Quiz
- The following assignments will be on Seesaw next week. All these assignments are graded and due by 11/24.
- Lakota Quiz
- Author's Message Quiz
- Turkey of the Year is up and running!
- Remember to vote today! Click HERE.
- Click HERE for more information.
- The kids brought home PNB Library books this week. They will need to return them by the next B week. There will be reminders on the blog and I'll send a reminder through Remind. You can find a little more information HERE.
- Scholastic Book Clubs is still active! You can get books shipped to your home instead of school. Our class code is RKQRV. You can view more about Book Clubs HERE.