Asynchronous Days 11/3/21 & 11/5/21

Thursday, October 28, 2021


As per LCPS, Wednesday, 11/3 and Friday, 11/5 will be asynchronous learning days for students. There will NOT be a morning meeting. The kids will just be working on their own. 

On our Schoology page, there are playlist buttons for each day of the week. Only Wednesday and Friday will have playlists available.

The left side of the playlist are the must-dos (red); these are the activities that I will be expecting them to complete. The right side of the playlist are the may-dos (yellow/orange); kids can complete this work if they have extra time or wish to do more.

Playlists are on Schoology. Any work can be found on Seesaw or accessed through LCPS Go. The kids have copies of all their login information, including their Seesaw QR code, taped inside the back cover of their agenda. The kids and I already went over how to get to everything and what the playlists look like during class on Thursday so they should be good to go!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Both days are teacher work days so you will be able to get in touch with me if you have questions that same day. The kids can also send me a post on Seesaw or comment on their work to ask for help.