Friday Reminders 11/12/21

Friday, November 12, 2021

We had a great week! We enjoyed honoring our veterans yesterday during the Veterans' Day Ceremony. Thank you to Mrs. Lemley, our room parent, as well as Mrs. Cortes and Mrs. Vyas for a wonderful fall party today! There will be photos and videos posted to ClassDojo of the fun.

We will be starting our Native American unit in social studies next week. We study three tribes of the United States - Powhatan, Pueblo, and Lakota. There is a study guide for each tribe, which I will send home on Monday. The kids are also expected to complete a project on a tribe of their choice. I also want to remind everyone of the study guide document which has all links and test dates listed for each social studies and science unit; it can also be found under the "STUDENTS" tab on the blog.

Reminders for Friday, November 12th

  • PNB Admin (Mr. Thiessen, Mrs. Boyd, and Mrs. Donaldson) host regular Tuesday Talks throughout the school year for grown-ups to attend.
    • This month, there is a Tuesday Talk on Tuesday, 11/16 at 7:00pm which will be about the Social-Emotional Learning program at LCPS.
    • "At 7:00 PM, Dr. Lindsay Orme and Ms. Devon Becker from LCPS join our call to discuss the Social-Emotional Learning program in LCPS and at Pinebrook. If you have a question about the SEL program that you'd like us to address, please submit it using this form. All students in grades K-5 participate in the SEL Program during the "morning meeting" time. The program aims to build skill sets in students that help handle stress, build positive relationships and practice healthy emotional skills."
    • You can join the Google Meet HERE on 11/16 @ 7pm.
  • **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack. Accidents happen and it's always best when the kids have masks that they are already comfortable wearing. 
    • Please also be sure that your kiddo's masks fit their faces well!
Week Overview
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We started learning about powerful emotions. We specifically talked about pride and bragging.
Reading -  We practiced using details from the text to support our thinking about the main idea of a story. Next week, we will learn about author's message - what life lesson can we learn from this text?
Writing -  We published our fiction stories. Next week, we will learn about writing letters and write a friendly letter.
Math - We practiced fact families and subtraction. We will continue subtraction next week and practice answering story problems/math stories.
Science/Social Studies - We learned about how habitats can change - drought, flood, pollution, erosion. Next week, we will start learning about Native American tribes - Powhatan, Lakota, Pueblo.

Have a wonderful weekend,