Well, the week certainly flew by! The kids were a little chatty, but did work hard these two days. We got quite a few things completed before break started. I hope everyone has a relaxing break!
Please be sure to support your student in completing their Native American Project on Seesaw! I will be checking in on Seesaw to approve or send back projects as needed. Both parts of the project are due by Tuesday, November 30th.
Just a quick FYI, I turn off my email notifications during breaks. I might check it occasionally, but it is unlikely that you will be able to get ahold of me until November 29th. If you have an school-related emergency, I would recommend contacting the PNB Front Office or the PNB admin, Mr. Thiessen (paul.thiessen@lcps.org), Mrs. Boyd (leigh.boyd@lcps.org), or Mrs. Donaldson (turner.donaldson@lcps.org).
- Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
- No School on Wednesday, 11/24, Thursday, 11/25, and Friday, 11/26
- 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 12/3
- Native American Tribe Project due by Tuesday, 11/30
- This project is to be completed at home on Seesaw.
- Equal/Unequal quiz on Tuesday, 11/30 (math)
- Lakota Quiz on Wednesday, 12/1 (social studies)
- Fiction vs. Nonfiction quiz on Friday, 12/3 (reading)
- Students should be able to tell the difference between a fiction text (fantasy or not real) and a nonfiction (informational, facts) text.
- Native American test on Friday, 12/3 (social studies)
- The Holiday Fair is coming!
- Please view this post for more information.
- The PTA is looking for volunteers to help with the Holiday Shop as well!
- **If you have not already, please consider putting extra masks in your kiddo's backpack. Accidents happen and it's always best when the kids have masks that they are already comfortable wearing.
- Please also be sure that your kiddo's masks fit their faces well!
- LCPS lunch menu can be found HERE
- Look for the white dropdown box, click to choose elementary school, and then click SY Lunch @ ES. It changes each month.
- Scholastic Book Club November orders are due by 11/29/21. Our class code is RKQRV.
Writing - We published our friendly letters. Next week, we will start drafting our All About books.