Economics Project: “Product Fair”
Due Wednesday, May 25th
As a part of our Social Studies Economics unit, the second grade students at Pinebrook will be having a Product Fair on Thursday, May 26th.
Each student needs to create/produce an item for the Product Fair. Students need to make 5 of the same product. Some examples of products the students could make and bring in are:
- small handcrafted items such as paper bag puppets
- coin banks
- braided jewelry
- games
- toys
- artwork
Absolutely NO food items!!!
Products should be made from everyday items, recycled objects, or cheap craft materials. There are great ideas on Pinterest or you can look at this slidedeck.
The students will use fake money to buy and sell products. Students will price their items to be either $1, $2, or $3.
Students also need to fill out the attached Product Sheet.
Click here for a digital copy of the letter (page 1) and product sheet (page 2).