Friday Reminders 5/6/22

Friday, May 6, 2022

It was a busy week! As the kids would likely tell you, we started the week with "nothing weird happening here!" and ended with something "weird" each day: fire drill, crafting, all sorts of changes! As usual, the Room 20 kids are so wonderful with rolling with any changes to our day (especially when it gives them extra independence).

Reminders for Friday, May 6th

  • Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
  • 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 5/13
  • Geometry quiz on Tuesday, 5/10
  • Animal Life Cycles test on Thursday, 5/12
  • Nonfiction Main Idea quiz on Friday, 5/13 (reading)
    • What is the text mostly about? How do you know a text is nonfiction and not fiction?
  • Economics Product due by Wednesday, 5/25
  • **If you feel strongly about your child continuing to wear their mask throughout the day, please do let me know so that I can reinforce your decision with your student. Thank you!
    • Just to clarify - I cannot make your student wear their mask, but I can remind them and let you know if they are repeatedly choosing not to wear it.

Week Overview
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We learned how problem-solving supports our collaboration skills.
Handwriting - We wrote positive messages to third and fifth graders who will be taking their SOLs next week!
Reading -  We learned about and used similes to compare two different things. Next week, we will focus on the main idea of a nonfiction text and how to know if a text is fiction or nonfiction.
Writing -  We started a new unit about how to write a science lab. We have completed labs in class, but we are writing out the steps ourselves during this unit.
Math - We learned about 3-d shapes -- sphere, rectangular prism, and cube. We will continue this next week and learn about symmetry.
Science - We identified things that we get from plants and learned about animal classification -- reptile, fish, bird, mammal, amphibian. We will focus on the life cycles of a monarch butterfly, a frog, and a white-tailed deer.

Stay dry this weekend,