Just a heads up that I will be absent on Wednesday, 5/18 and Thursday, 5/19 for a 2-day teacher training in Ashburn. The kids and I will have our usual substitute/guest teacher discussion on Monday/Tuesday. I will still be available via email and ClassDojo if any issues arise, but the kiddos will be in good hands with our substitute. If you have any attendance/dismissal changes, please make sure to let the front office know!
Reminders for Friday, May 13th
Week Overview

- Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
- 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 5/20
- No reading quiz on Friday, 5/20
- Fractions quiz on Tuesday, 5/24
- Economics products due by Wednesday, 5/25
- Economics fair on Thursday, 5/26
- Economics test on Thursday, 5/26
- End of Year Class Party on Friday, 6/3
- Permission slip coming soon!
- **If you feel strongly about your child continuing to wear their mask throughout the day, please do let me know so that I can reinforce your decision with your student. Thank you!
- Just to clarify - I cannot make your student wear their mask, but I can remind them and let you know if they are repeatedly choosing not to wear it.
- LCPS lunch menu can be found HERE
- Look for the white dropdown box, click to choose elementary school, and then click SY Lunch @ ES. It changes each month.
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We continued to learn about problem solving, focusing on staying calm and compromising as needed (our kiddos are really good at this skill!).
Handwriting - We practiced our cursive by writing our classmates' and teachers' names!
Reading - We discussed the differences between fiction and nonfiction texts.
Writing - We wrote out two different science lab reports.
Writing - We wrote out two different science lab reports.
Math - We wrapped up our geometry unit and learned about symmetry. Next week, we will start reviewing/learning about fractions - halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths.
Science/Social Studies - We finished our animal life cycles unit. We will start our economics unit next week.
Have a fantastic weekend,