Friday Reminders 5/20/22

Friday, May 20, 2022

The kids had a great couple of days with our substitute and were ready to rock and roll on the days I was with them at school! We're looking forward to the last four weeks of school.

Quarter 4 Interims will be coming to your email and be available on ParentVUE by Monday, 5/23.

Reminders for Friday, May 20th

  • Please remember to bring your Chromebook and charger to school each day!
  • 30 minutes of RAZ kids due by Friday, 5/27
  • Fractions quiz on Tuesday, 5/24  Friday, 5/27
  • Economics products due by Wednesday, 5/25
    • Economics fair on Thursday, 5/26
  • Economics test on Thursday, 5/26
  • Nonfiction Wondering quiz on Friday, 5/27 (reading)
    • What questions do you have after reading the nonfiction text?
  • No School on Monday, 5/30 -- Memorial Day
  • Comparing Fractions quiz on Friday, 6/3
  • End of Year Party on Friday, 6/3
    • Permission slip coming home on Monday.
    • Grown-ups ARE allowed to attend this party! If you wish to attend, please arrive anytime after 12:50pm (so we are done lunch). Please keep in mind that all visitors must leave the building by 2:00pm. You are welcome to sign your kiddo out when you leave, but you must speak with the front office to do so.
  • **If you feel strongly about your child continuing to wear their mask throughout the day, please do let me know so that I can reinforce your decision with your student. Thank you!
    • Just to clarify - I cannot make your student wear their mask, but I can remind them and let you know if they are repeatedly choosing not to wear it.

Week Overview
Morning Meeting/SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) - We mainly discussed expectations while there is a substitute in the classroom. We also restarted our Restorative Circle morning meetings and will continue to do them the rest of the year (this is the training Ms. Stiffler was at this week).
Handwriting - We practiced our cursive writing.
Reading -  We reviewed summarizing stories.
Writing -  We practiced our letter writing skills and started our graphic novels/comic books.
Math - We started our fractions unit talking about equal parts, denominator, and numerator. We will continue this learning next week.
Social Studies - We started our economics unit - goods vs. services, needs vs. wants, and types of resources -- capital, human, natural. We will continue this next week.

Have a wonderous weekend,