This week, some of the class is really struggling with being quiet when needed (in the hallways, during lessons, during directions). We have been having a few discussions as a class about it. I would highly appreciate if you could please have a small talk with your child at home to see if they are making good choices or if they need to make any changes. Thank you so much!
There have been a few common questions I have been recieving from grown-ups so here is some updated information:
- Online logins: All the kiddos' login information in the back cover of their agenda. Copies were also sent home in their silver folder on the first day of school. Most applications can be accessed through LCPS Go.
- Math homework: Math homework will always be on paper and I will always send it home with the kids.
- They will bring it home in their silver folder.
- The math books live at school.
- I include the math pages on the weekly overview and in their agendas so the kids know what page and so you can easily check if they are completing the correct page once they are home; sometimes, they pull out the wrong page and I do not notice in time.
- Math homework should be turned in the next day; if it comes home on Wednesday, it should be returned completed on Thursday.
- Dismissal Changes: I checked in with our attendance secretary, Mrs. Jacob (leigh.jacob@lcps.org), about submitting dismissal changes online. I also updated this under the Families tab here on the blog.
- If it is a one-time, just today-type of dismissal change, then you want to use the link on the Pinebrook website.
- EXAMPLE: Being a car rider on Monday for a dentist appointment.
- If it is a permanent dismissal change OR an early dismissal, then it should be entered in through ParentVUE.
- EXAMPLE: Becoming a bus rider instead of a car rider for the rest of the school year.
- EXAMPLE: Leaving at 12:30pm for a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.
- Mailboxes: The kids empty their mailboxes EVERY Thursday so please check and remind them to empty their silver folder. The papers do NOT need to come back to school; they are yours to keep forever! These papers may include:
- graded papers (look for a star on the front)
- grades will be posted to ParentVUE
- classwork
- PTA papers
- Pinebrook event papers
Reminders for Friday, September 9th
Week Overview
- Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
- 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 9/16
- Log in through LCPS Go or go to kidsa-z.com
- Community Connections event on Wednesday, 9/14
- Pinebrook gym from 7-8pm
- Place Value Assessment on Thursday, 9/15 (math)
- Connections Assessment on Friday, 9/16 (reading)
- Students will make a connection to the text.
- Can you relate your life to the book (text-to-self)? Can you relate the book to another book you have read (text-to-text)? Can you relate the book to something that has happened in the world (text-to-world)?
- Culture Project due on Friday, 9/16
- Information will be sent home AND posted to the blog (here!) on Monday.
- Scientific Method Test on Thursday, 9/22 (science)
- Study guide will be sent home on Monday!
- Skip Counting quiz on Thursday, 9/22 (math)
- Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
- If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
- Return library books by Wednesday!
- If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
- Pinebrook Family Resources Page
- Information on how to study, testing, online programs, etc.
- PTA Meeting on Monday, 9/12 at 7pm in Pinebrook Elementary Library
- School store will open next week! It will be open on Fridays from 7:40 - 8:00mm.
- I will talk to the kids about this, but I expect them to come to the classroom first so I know they are here and THEN go to the school store.
- Click here to see the flyer from the PTA.
SEL/Morning Meeting - We started discussing growth mindset and continued practicing our restorative circle.
Reading - We learned about ways to figure out unfamiliar words (sound it out, break the word into parts, use the pictures, change the vowels) and reviewed how to real read as well as pick out just right books.
Writing - We learned about nouns (names of people, places, things, ideas), adjectives (words that tell about nouns), and verbs (action words). We will continue with this learning next week.
Writing - We learned about nouns (names of people, places, things, ideas), adjectives (words that tell about nouns), and verbs (action words). We will continue with this learning next week.
Read Aloud - We continued to practice making predictions about books we are reading. Next week, we will discuss making connections to our books - text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world.
Social Studies - We learned about citizenship - voting, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness. Next week, we will start our science unit about scientific method (question, hypothesis, experiment, observation, data, and conclusion).
Math - We continued to learn about patterns and also learned about odd numbers and even numbers. Next week, we will continue with number sense and learn about place value (ones and tens).
Handwriting - We reviewed the routine of handwriting time and the letters of the American Sign Language (ASL); we will start our handwriting lessons next week.
Have a wonderful weekend,