What a week! The kiddos are getting used to our class routines and are doing well with learning it all. We're still working on walking quietly in the hallway though; we don't want to distrupt other classes that are learning. They are awesome at independent reading and following directions. They also really love read alouds; it's the quietest time of the day in our room!
I'm ready for a long weekend and I know the kids are too! I'll see them again on Tuesday, 9/6.
Reminders for Thursday, September 1st
Week Overview
- Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
- No School on Friday, 9/2
- No School on Monday, 9/5
- 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 9/9
- Log in through LCPS Go or go to kidsa-z.com
- Patterns quiz on Wednesday, 9/7 (math)
- Patriots' Day Ceremony on Friday, 9/9
- Prediction Assessment on Friday, 9/9 (reading)
- Students will make a prediction about a text from looking at its cover.
- What do you think will happen in the story? What will the characters do?
- Citizenship Assessment on Friday, 9/9 (social studies)
- Study guide will be sent home on Monday.
- Culture Project due on Friday, 9/16
- Information will be sent home AND posted to the blog (here!) on Monday.
- All the kiddos' login information in the back cover of their agenda. Copies were also sent home in their silver folder on Thursday. Most applications can be accessed through LCPS Go.
- Wear sneakers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
- If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
- Pinebrook Family Resources Page
- Information on how to study, testing, online programs, etc.
- PTA Spirit Wear Closes Wednesday, September 7th - Be sure to order before the deadline: https://pinebrookspiritfall22.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Reading - We learned about Real Reading and Just Right books this week. We also practiced making predicions about our books. We will continue this learning next week.
Writing - We learned about nouns, including proper (specific names -- Aldie, Gum Spring Library, Pinebrook Elementary) and common (town, library, school).
Writing - We learned about nouns, including proper (specific names -- Aldie, Gum Spring Library, Pinebrook Elementary) and common (town, library, school).
Social Studies - We learned about citizenship.
Math - We learned about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) and started learning about patterns. We will continue learning about patterns next week.
Handwriting - We were introduced to the routine of handwriting time and the letters of the American Sign Language (ASL); we will start our handwriting lessons next week.
There is no school on Friday, 9/2 and Monday, 9/5 so I'll see the kiddos on Tuesday, 9/6!
Have a fabulous 4-day weekend,