Friday Updates 11/4/22

Friday, November 4, 2022

It was wonderful to see everyone over the past two weeks for conferences! Coming from those conversations, I have a few notes to share for your reference:
  • DRA is your child's reading level. Mrs. Hennessy, our reading specialist, has put together a great resource that explains each level and what your child should be able to do with their reading.
  • Breakfast and Snack are becoming quite popular with the kiddos. I am fine with kids going to get breakfast from the cafeteria in the morning or going to pick up a snack if they don't have one pack. However, it seems that some kids might be going because their friends are going rather than because they actually need it. I just want to gently suggest talking with your child about your expectations with them - can they go get breakfast each morning? Can they go get snack each day? 
As always, thank you for your support and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Reminders for Friday, November 4th
  • Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
  • 30 minutes TOTAL of RAZ Kids due by Friday, 11/11
  • Report cards sent through ParentVUE on Monday, 11/7 or Tuesday, 11/8. 
  • No School on Tuesday, 11/8 -- election day
  • Addition quiz on Wednesday, 11/9 (math)
  • Main Idea AND Details Assessment on Friday, 11/11 (reading)
    • Students will identify the main idea of a fiction story AND give THREE reasons from the story for why their answer is correct. It is what the story is mostly about or what is happening the most throughout the story.
      • Example.) In Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the main idea is that Goldilocks is trying to find the just right items in the house. 
        • Detail #1 - She tries the porridge.
        • Detail #2 - She tries the chairs.
        • Detail #3 - She tries the beds.
  • Basic Subtraction quiz on Wednesday, 11/16 (math)
  • Fact Families quiz on Tuesday, 11/22 (math)
    • 3, 5, 8 (3 + 5 = 8, 5 + 3 = 8, 8 - 3 = 5, 8 - 5 = 3)
  • Weekly Reminders
    • Wear sneakers on Wednesday, and Friday for P.E.
      • If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
    • Return library books by Wednesday!
      • If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
    • Ice Cream at lunch on Thursday!
      • Ice cream is $1.
  • PTA Meeting on Monday, 11/21 at 7pm in the Pinebrook Elementary Library
  • School store will be open on Fridays from 7:40 - 8:00mm.
Week Overview
SEL/Morning Meeting - We reviewed the bullying prevention lessons that Mrs. Walker has been teaching the class.
Reading - We practiced getting new information from a nonfiction text.
Writing -  We continued writing about small moments in our lives.
Read Aloud - We identified the main idea of a fiction story and gave three details from the story that support our answer. We will continue this next week.
Math - We practiced our basic addition (2-digits). We will continue this next week and start our basic subtraction unit.
Science We had a short health unit on germs, colds, and flu. Next week, we will learn about changes in habitats and Veterans' Day.
Handwriting - We reviewed letters j, p, r, n, and m.

Have a fantastic weekend,