Turkey of the Year 2022

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

 Gobble, gobble, gobble...it's that time again!

Time for students to read and vote to try and get their favorite teachers into the Turkey of the Year costume!

How It Works: For each hour that your child reads at home, they receive a voting ballot. They choose a teacher or staff member they would like to see as the Turkey of the Year.
What to do at home: Keep track of how many hours your child reads and send in the slips on Friday morning; it MUST be sent in on Friday as late submissions will NOT be accepted.
When to track hours: Please track your child's reading during the weeks of:
  • October 28 - November 3 (send slip in on November 4th)
  • November 4 - 10 (send slip in on November 11th)
  • November 11 - 17 (send slip in on November 18th)

Happy Reading!