Class Dojo Rewards 2023

Friday, September 8, 2023


The kids have been earning green Dojo points for the past few weeks. They have earned them for following directions, making good choices, and being on task in class. They also earn them for turning in their homework on Friday or completing extra RAZ kids and Lalilo.

We have discussed Dojo Rewards this afternoon. Every time a child has earned 25 points, they will turn in their Dojo card (they will have marked their points). I will post a "ClassDojo Rewards" activity to their Seesaw for them to complete during Fun Friday (or at home).

It is optional for your child to choose a reward. If they do not want one, they don't have to choose one. It will just sit in their Seesaw in case they change their mind. 

The reward choices are:

  • Bring a Device to Fun Friday (10 minutes)
    • I have two iPads that can be shared with the kids that belong to Pinebrook.
    • Your child can bring their own iPad/tablet to school for Fun Friday if they have matching reward card. The biggest thing is that since it is a home device, I CANNOT touch their device to help with troubleshooting. Please be sure that they know how to get to the internet settings and I can talk them through choosing the right one.
    • The kids can also use this reward to use their Chromebook with free choice. I try to limit screen time when I can so Fun Friday is typically technology free, outside of the reward cards.
  • Show-and-Tell 
    • Share about your item (Why is it important to you? How long have you had it?)
    • Completed on Seesaw
    • Record a video reading a book from home on Seesaw. Ms. Stiffler will adjust the settings so class can all see it.
  • Stuffed Animal
    • If it becomes a distraction, it will go back in their backpack for the rest of the day.
  • Rocking Chair
    • Sit in the rocking chair throughout the day
  • Whiteboard
    • Use a whiteboard during an indoor recess (1 time use)
      • This is a reward since we don't use the whiteboards for free time to save the markers.
  • Read a Book to the Class
    • Completed on Seesaw
    • Record a video reading a book from home on Seesaw. Ms. Stiffler will adjust the settings so class can all see it.
  • Free Book from Scholastic Book Club
    • Free choice of a book from Scholastic Book Club, no cost to grown ups. This can be chosen 4 times a year (1 per quarter).
      • Kiddo chooses book, Ms. Stiffler emails home to check if the book is okay with grown-ups, Ms. Stiffler orders, and Kiddo brings home forever.
  • Treasure Box
    • Choose an item from the Treasure Box or a sticker.
Please let me know if you have any questions!