We talked about Dojo Rewards this afternoon. Please click here to read more about it!
I would like to invite you to our fall conferences. There are dates starting in late October. Please choose a date and time that works for you and mark if you would like to attend in-person at Pinebrook or virtually on Google Meet. If your plans change, please let me know as soon as possible or you can change it on the Sign-Up Genius: Here is the link to sign up for a fall conference.
We will be doing some science experiments over the next two weeks in class. I believe that all of the experiments that the kids will be doing hands-on will be using materials that will wash out easily. However, I did want to give a heads up in case you wanted to dress them in older clothes. Thanks!
Reminders for Friday, September 8th
- Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
- Patriots' Day Ceremony on Monday, 9/11 at 8:20am (school assembly)
- Wear red, white, or blue to school!
- 2-digit Place Value quiz on Thursday, 9/14 (math)
- Homework packet due on Friday, 9/15
- It will be sent home on Monday, 9/11
- Scientific Method Assessment on Thursday, 9/21 (science)
- Study guide will be sent home on Monday, 9/11.
- Study guides are linked above or you can find them under the Students tab.
- All the kiddos' login information in the back cover of their agenda. Copies were also sent home in the yellow manila folder earlier this week.
- Most applications can be accessed through LCPS Go. The kids and I will also be adding them to their bookmarks on Chromebooks under a "Room 13" folder.
- PEP (Parents as Educational Partners)
- There are monthly events for grown-ups/caregivers of English Language (EL students). They are hosted by Mrs. Gustilo and Mrs. Chatila, two of our EL teachers at PNB. All meetings are held at Pinebrook.
- Weekly Reminder
- Return library books by Mondays on B Weeks!
- If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
- Wear sneakers on Thursday and Friday for P.E.
- If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
- Ice Cream is available at lunch on Wednesdays for $1.
- LCPS allows students to purchase ice cream any day of the week.
- As a team, second grade is encouarged to get ice cream on Wednesday to help prevent any chaos (like buying 4 ice creams).
- House Spirit Days are on Fridays.
- Wear your house color on Fridays to show house spirit.
- Parents can join at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
- Please be sure to bring your ID card to get in the front door.
- Please make sure to stay at our table. You can walk your kiddo back to the classroom after lunch (when Ms. Stiffler comes to pick them up) if you would like.
- Our lunch is 12:45 - 1:15pm.
- Pinebrook Family Resources Page
- Information on how to study, testing, online programs, etc.
PTA Events
- Welcome Letter & Ways to Join
- Fall Spirit Wear orders are due by 9/13/23.
- School Store will open on 9/14/23.
SEL/Morning Meeting - The first link will tell you about our conversations throughout the week. This link will tell you more about what SEL is from LCPS.
Reading - We took the MAP reading and math tests during our reading block.
Writing - We learned/reviewed nouns. Next week, we will review nouns and learn about verbs.
Writing - We learned/reviewed nouns. Next week, we will review nouns and learn about verbs.
Read Aloud
Math - We learned more about patterns and practiced with even and odd numbers. Next week, we will start practicing place value (example: 45 is 4 tens and 5 ones).
Social Studies - We finished our citizenship unit. Next week, we will start our scientific method unit in science.
Handwriting - Due to MAP, we did not do handwriting this week.
Have a fabulous weekend,