We are in the home stretch of the school year! Only one quarter (9 weeks) to go!
Reminders for Thursday, April 4th- Remember your Chromebook and charger every day!
- Homework packet due Friday, 4/12
- It will come home Monday, 4/8
- Math review packet due by Friday, 4/19
- This reviews all skills taught so far in math. It is intended to help your child refresh these skills prior to MAP testing. We will also be reviewing at school.
- Kids should return the packet completed; I will be giving them raffle tickets and dojo reponsibility points for any completed pages.
- They can also complete and return any unfinished math work from this coming week (4/8 - 4/12 & 4/15 - 4/19) for raffle tickets.
- We do raffle tickets when we have subtitutes so if you ask your child about it, they can explain more about it. 𝨾😀
- No School on Friday, 4/5 - Teacher Work Day
- Career Day Spirit Week 4/8 - 4/12
- No School on Wednesday, 4/10 - Eid al Fitr
- Quarter 3 Report Cards will be available on ParentVUE on Monday, 4/15
- MAP testing on Wednesday, 4/17 & Friday, 4/19
- Matter test on Thursday, 4/18 (science)
- Field Trip on Wednesday, 4/24
- Bagged lunch with disposable items
- Long pants, tall socks
- Check your child from ticks when they return home!
- If wanted, sunscreen MUST be applied at home; school adults cannot help apply.
- PEP (Parents as Educational Partners)
- There are monthly events for grown-ups/caregivers of English Language (EL students). They are hosted by Mrs. Gustilo and Mrs. Chatila, two of our EL teachers at PNB. All meetings are held at Pinebrook.
- Weekly Reminder
- Return library books by Mondays on B Weeks!
- If you do not return your books, you will not be allowed to pick out new books.
- Wear sneakers on Thursday and Friday for P.E.
- If you do not wear sneakers/tennis shoes/trainers or closed-toed shoes (NO boots), you will not be allowed to participate in P.E. This is a rule from the P.E. teachers.
- Ice Cream is available at lunch on Wednesdays for $1.
- LCPS allows students to purchase ice cream any day of the week.
- As a team, second grade is encouarged to get ice cream on Wednesday to help prevent any chaos (like buying 4 ice creams).
- House Spirit Days are on Fridays.
- Wear your house color on Fridays to show house spirit or wear Pinebrook colors (navy and maroon) to show school spirit.
- Parents can join at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
- Please be sure to bring your ID card to get in the front door.
- Our lunch is 12:45 - 1:15pm.
- Pinebrook Family Resources Page
- Information on how to study, testing, online programs, etc.
- School Store is open on Fridays!
- Everything is between $1-4 dollars. Most things are $2.
- My expectations are that the kids check in and drop off their backpacks FIRST and that all of their school store items stay in their backpacks.
SEL/Morning Meeting - Family Communication (Unit 4); we took a short quiz on our emotional situations knowledge that we had built up during SEL lessons.
Math - We learned about probability - more likely, less likely, impossible events. We started reviewing for MAP testing with number sense. We will review place value and regrouping next week and then we will do one-day lessons on fractions, geometric shapes, symmetry (mirror images/reflections) and congruency (same shape, different form) to prepare as well. We will return to these topics in detail after testing.
Phonics - We learned about oa, ow, oe /long o/ (boat, grown, toe), ie, igh /long i/ (cried, bright). New heart words were again, against, always, and almost.
Reading - We read nonfiction books about insects to build our background knowledge. We will practice putting events from a fictional story into correct order next week.
Writing - We learned about homophones - words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings. We will learn about homonyms and practice writing sentences next week.
Science - We learned about the life cycle of a white-tailed deer. Next week, we will start learning about matter - solid, liquid, gas.
I will see the kids back at school on Monday, 4/8 due to the teacher work day.
Have a fantastic 3-day weekend,