Welcome to Room 20! (2020-2021)

Thursday, August 27, 2020
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 Hello and welcome, Room 20 Families! 

I am excited to be starting this journey of a school year together! While it may not be ideal or what we are used to, I am sure we will still make it a great year. There are definitely going to be challenges that we will face this year; please try to keep in mind that this is a learning experience for all of us. I am committed to working together with you, your family, and your child to make this year as successful as possible!

Please keep an eye on the Puma Paw which will provide you with information from Mr. Thiessen, our principal, about school events. This includes Chromebook Pick-Up (students in Kindergarten - Third Grade), student supply pick-up, and Back to School Night.

My main goal with this email is to get started connecting with you! I have chosen to use Google Meet to spend time with each of our Room 20 families and get to know my new second graders. Please use this Sign Up Genius link to pick a time slot that works best for you and your family. My plan is to simply touch base with you, your child, and your family during this time. I would also appreciate it if you would take the time to fill out a Parent Survey prior to our Meet. I am very excited to meet you and get this year started!

Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with you and your child this year!


Ms. Stiffler

kailea.stiffler (@) lcps.org

P.S. Consider exploring the Blog! There’s some good resources already on there. It’s going to be a huge resource during the school year. You can find it here: stifflersecondgrade.blogspot.com.

(You should have also received this letter in an email earlier this morning.)