Check-In -- 9/8/2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Check-In -- Tuesday, September 8th

The kids did a FANTASTIC job with our Synchronous time this morning! They were so respectful and responsible with listening to each other and making sure they were muted when needed. It was a long time to sit, but they made the most of their break times. I did get kicked out of the Meet at one point and they did an AWESOME job staying calm and using the chat box. These kids are so very impressive! I'm looking forward to seeing the kids again tomorrow morning.

Thank you kids and parents for your patience and support! Everyone did a wonderful job getting into our Google Meet and following directions.

Today, we...

  • learned how to use the Google Meet buttons
  • learned how to pronounce each other's names
  • read Alma and How She Got Her Name and School's First Day of School
  • learned some facts about each other
  • defined what success is
  • learned about how to access Schoology and our Playlists

This afternoon...

  • explore Schoology
  • go to the Tuesday Playlist button on Schoology
  • complete your Must-Dos on the Playlist
  • consider completing some May-Dos or Extra Time activities
Nothing is due today. I only expect the kids to practice logging into their programs and apps and write about their favorite part today (Must-dos). They can spend some time on each of the programs as well (May-dos).

For tomorrow...
  • Write down a fact about you (fun, interesting, or boring) and have it ready for class
Tomorrow, we will...
  • learn about morning meeting and expectations
  • go over Google Meet buttons and Schoology
  • read a couple of stories
  • talk about strengths and weaknesses
  • learn about Seesaw (we will review this again when we have licensing)
    • We still DO NOT have Seesaw logins available. You will receive an individual email from me when it is available.
  • share facts about ourselves
  • Go to Music for Specials at 11:00am.


  • If you need to print your child's QuickCard again, please view THIS VIDEO for directions.
  • There is now a "How-to" folder on our Schoology that I will add various instructional videos and documents to (like logging into Schoology).
  • There is a "Google Meet Recordings" folder where the recordings of our morning sessions will be saved.
  • As per Mr. Thiessen, we will not be doing small groups until late September or early October. Therefore, all the kids need to do in the afternoon is go to their Playlist for the day and complete those activities.
    • When we start small groups, you will receive an individual schedule for your child with their specific afternoon schedule.
  • We still DO NOT have Seesaw logins available. You will receive an individual email from me when it is available.