First Day Reminders 2020

Saturday, September 5, 2020


Dear families,

The first day of school is almost here! I’m looking forward to getting this school year started with all of you. Every teacher at Pinebrook has been working hard to get everything ready and make sure this experience will be a positive one. I’m sure that we (myself and you!) will be working together to make this year a success as well!

Thank you to all of you for picking up your school supplies on Thursday! That is already a big step in helping you be successful this year. I know you’ve been working hard to prepare your learning spaces at home! I would recommend putting your learning space in an area that is quiet and has as little distractions as possible. Please make sure that your supplies are easily available and accessible in your learning space; you don’t want to be making a mad dash across the house for a pencil in the middle of a lesson!

Over the weekend, please help your child practice logging into Schoology and explore it with them. Try clicking the different buttons and see where they take you! The biggest thing is practicing logging in and going to the Google Meet button. Your child will need to do this EVERY school day morning to access our Synchronous/online sessions. (I will also email out the Google Meet link in the mornings as a back-up for the first week.) Just a small reminder that we do not have our licensing for Seesaw yet and therefore, you will not be able to log into that program at this time; I will email you when it does become available.

We will be starting our school year on Tuesday, 9/8 at 8:15am on Google Meet. Again, please help your child practice getting into Schoology and clicking on the Google Meet button. This button will only work if your child is logged into their Chromebook or THEIR LCPS account (their email and password will also log them into Google), not a parent account. 

There is a new button for the Morning News Show. A new show will be posted each morning for students to view if they choose. It is a great way to start the day. Keep in mind that class starts at 8:15am and that each news show is about 10 minutes long. When the show is finished, your child will need to click on the BACK BUTTON to go back to our Schoology, not close the window. If they close the window, they will have to open and log into Schoology again. You can practice this over the weekend as well.

While Tuesday will likely have some technical difficulties or glitches, we will be okay! We are all taking this one day at a time. If you are having issues, please feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to help. If not, you can also contact LCPS Tech Support; there was a note sent home on Thursday with this information and it is also on Schoology, inside the “Important Links and Documents” folder. 

I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing long weekend and I’ll see our Room 20 kiddos Tuesday morning!

Thank you,

Ms. Stiffler